In Search of the Right Mindset, the Right Technology and the Right People
Going digital is more than just a technical challenge and therefore people with both outstanding leadership and technological skills are highly sought after. Most corporate cultures though are geared towards self-preservation rather than transformation, particularly as many executives still believe solving the “digital issue” merely consists of offering customers the opportunity to shop online.
Talents with the proper vision and far-sightedness are in short supply. The latest “Digital IQ” analysis conducted by PwC claims that the talent gap is one of the major issues companies face when trying to profit from new technology. Finding and hiring the right people is therefore crucial, particularly as low unemployment, changing demographics and workplace environments perpetuate the lack of skilled workers in the digital field.
Managing Partner Lucas Bechtle heads the high-level tech recruiting and executive search practice at Digital Future. He previously worked for several HR consultancies at all levels, from traditional executive search firms to small recruiting start-ups. His interest in digital transformation and his passion for networking led to the foundation of Digital Future.
Managing Partner Nikolas Hoche is a renowned expert with in-depth technical knowledge in the field of IT. He is an experienced executive search consultant with an active candidate network in the CDO environment and the digital sector.
Heiner Thorborg, shareholder and chairman of Digital Future‘s advisory board, brings 40 years of experience in executive search to the table. His experience, his extensive network throughout Germany and around the world, and his passion for innovation in combination with the enthusiasm and novel approach of Digital Future‘s founders serve to ensure sustainable success.